Thursday, May 20, 2010


I used to have a crush and still do on 70's-80's era Chevy Chase. Damn older men. I found him HILARIOUS in the National Lampoon's Vacation and a total stud in Caddyshack. I was especially intrigued by him in the latter. I don't even remember the movie anymore. Except he was a cocky playboy. And the way he did what he wanted! Oh man. Wild thang. And then he appeared Paul Simon's video for "You Can Call Me Al" and stole the show. Nevermind that he is oh, 44 years older than me. Oh wait. That is really weird. I am going to end this post. In real life my age cap is around 9 years. 44 is gross and disturbing. Especially since I was a wee girl. Goddamn this blog is making me take a long, hard look at my psyche. Long and hard. Heh heh heh.

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